Friday, June 10, 2011


Some of these jeans are a no brainer.  Anytime you see the vintage Levi 501 jeans in smaller sizes pick them up.  MAKE SURE THEY ARE HIGH WAISTED!!!!  Most vintage 501's are high waisted.  The higher the better.  Preferably for $1.00 or less.  Cut them off and make them pretty short.  Bleach them - cut holes in them - make them as slutty as possible and the sluts will buy them!  Wash them a few times to get the strings on the cuts.  One thing that sells is trash to trashy women!  Another HUGE thing on Ebay right now is tye dying trashy shorts.  Levi brand does the best.  These two pairs of cut off tye dyed jeans sold for $160.00.  If you can bedazzle or jewel the jeans - you're SET!  Artsy original people with idea's could get into this and make a fortune while it lasts because the more original - the better!

These cut off shorts sold for $50.00.  These are going to be hot all summer! 

More brands to look for!!!  Make sure to get a killer deal!

Mens Levi's 512 bootcut
Mens Levi's 538
Mens Levi's 501
Mens Levi's 569
Mens Levi's 527 bootcut
Mens Levi's 507
Mens Levi's 597
Rock Revival
Rock Republic
Seven For All Man Kind
Citizens Of Humanity
Lucky Brand
Big Star
American Eagle
Abercrombie Fitch
LEVI cut off shorts

More Yard Sale Delights!

This chess set was a total of $2.50.  I sold it for $41.00.  Chess sets do good if they are in great detail like this one, and also if they are vintage.  When in doubt, pick up your laptop, internet on your phone or call a friend and LOOK IT UP before you buy it!

These are "Big Star" jeans.  I got these for $3.00 at a yard sale and sold them for $30.00.  Big star is a good brand to look for.  Make sure they are in decent condition.  They can show some distressing, but the heal can't be too torn up.  If they are, you can possibly get them for lower and cut them off.  Turning these into cut off slutty shorts is also a good seller.

These books were a $5.00 investment at a yard sale and sold for $162.00.  These are the sweet valley high books from the 1980's.  When ever you see a big set of books like this, look them up.

These "Tony Lama" boots were a $4.00 investment from the DI.  They sold for $65.00.  Anytime you see "Tony Lama" or "Justin" boots - they are usually good.  Be sure again to LOOK IT UP!  You don't want to waste money - so be sure before you dish out the money.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Turned $4.25 into $198.00

I usually swear by yard sales, but today at the DI... I hit the jackpot.  I purchased 5 brand new tubes of Arbonne skin care system.  Each one was $.85 for a total of $4.25.  I sold them on Ebay for $198.00.  I knew this brand because my friend sales it.  The products had no expiration dates on them, so I bought them up.  Not a bad day.  I am saving for a 55" big screen!  Not far off.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another great find at the DI.

Yes, I spend an hour or two everyday at the DI.  I look forward to it and get enjoyment out of "the hunt".  It's important to know discipline and not load  your cart with non-selling items, or you will never come out ahead.  Today I bought a 1957 Peter Ganine Gothic chess set.  I knew it was old, so I grabbed it.  It was only $1.00, but I will still make a call to see if it's worth my time.  It sells for about $35.00/$40.00.  It's complete and in nice shape... so I'm excited!!!  I will put it on Ebay on Monday because I refuse to sell on the weekend... in my experience, people are too busy to be at their computer on the weekend and I get disappointed for what stuff sells for.

This is my other find for today!  It's an unused Raggedy Ann & Andy pattern book.  It was $.25 and will sale for about $15.00.  Add that to the Chess set and I am up to $50.00-$55.00 for a $1.25 investment!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Todays DI find!

I live at the DI (well, I spend about 2 hours a day or less there anyway).  I don't have much time to spare with 5 small children.  It's super fun to me.  Carts come out and you never know what's going to be them.  It's quite a rush.  Today's big find was this pair of Justin Gypsy boots.  I had never heard of this brand, but they looked nice and smelled strong of real leather.  I purchased them for $4.00.  I got them home and looked them up.  They are a HUGE brand and typically sell anywhere from $60.00 to $70.00 on Ebay.  I have high hopes for these boots.  Not bad for a $4.00 investment!

This was my other DI find today.  It is a Browning hoodie.  Browning is a big name for hunters.  I called my husband and he looked it up and confirmed that it was a good purchase, so I bought it for $3.00.  This hoodie will sell for about $20.00-$30.00 used on Ebay.  Today I spent a total of $7.00 for the boots and the hoodie.  I will make $80.00 - $100.00 (I'm thinking the higher end).  Not bad for a stay-at-home mom! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


To start... this was a TOTAL accident.  I have had these ginormous over sized books kicking around my house for a few months.  They are the softcover Teacher sized books, they are about 17x21 inches.  I purchased them for $.50 each at a yard sale last summer.  I bought 20 of them, which would have been a total of $10.00, but then I talked him down to $8.00.  My kids were never really interested in them.  They ruined two of them right away.  I put them up and didn't think much about them.  When I finally looked them up on Ebay, I was surprised to see that a few of the titles sold for about $30.00.  I decided to put them all on together and see what happens.  They slowly went up to $30, then $50, then $70 (at this point I was in a panic... these are just paperback books).  We were on the road traveling home and we had about 3 hours left on our trip.  My mom called and said they were at $112.00 about half way home.  When I got home, I rushed downstairs and to my surprise, these books were at $265.00.  Their final ending price was $270.00.  That is over 30x the money I spent.  Each book sold for about $15.00.  We were jumping and screaming all over the basement!  WOW, who knew

Toys From Your Childhood!

While walking around the DI, I noticed this little guy.  I remembered him from my childhood.  I think he was one of my first toys.  His name is Teddy Ruxpin bear.  I didn't know anything else about him other than he was from the 80's.  I picked him up for $1.00 and put him on Ebay that night with a $40.00 buy it now.  It sold within 3 hours (leaving me thinking I could have asked more).  That was 40x the money I paid.  Not bad if you ask me!

The bird is a Furreal Squawkers bird that had been discontinued.  I had to make a phone call to my husband to ask whether or not I should buy them.  They were both $1.00 and I sold them for $26.00.  People... do your homework and learn what is selling, it pays off.  Also, if you come across something that you are unsure of, make a phone call and find out before you buy it.  This is a great way to make quick and easy money... not to mention that it's quite a rush to find the treasures!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Uglier... The Better!

Today's big find at the DI for a whopping $2.00 was a vintage pair of lime green Reebok freestyle tennis shoes. These "easy on the eye" Reebok's are going to sell for about $40.00. These shoes deserve an award for being ugly. It never fails to amaze me what turns people on as far as fashion. Of course before I buy anything, I call from the store and have either my mom, husband or sister look it up for me. I hate buying things and finding out later that it was nothing. This way, I never waste my money.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vintage Tablecloths

If you live in an older neighborhood, chances are you've come across these tablecloths before.  This summer I picked up 7 of these tablecloths throughout my yard sale adventures.  This particular tablecloth sold for $75.00.  Why people are infatuated with the past, I will never know (maybe it's something that happens when you are older and see the world changing at alarming pace) - but I will take advantage!  I usually pick these up for around $1.00 a tablecloth. The holiday ones seem to do better, but they all do pretty well!

Did I Mention the 70's ARE IN!

No, you are not hallucinating!  You may be like me and look at this fabric and think it's the ugliest thing that ever happened to a piece of material. However... somebody paid $65.00 for 3 yards of this exact fabric. That is why when I go to yard sales and I see funky 70's print fabric, I pick it up. Of course only at a next to nothing LOW price. Most people want to give this stuff away because it's that ugly.

Card Making!

If you have the stamps, the paper and the time... these cards are a great way to make an extra $45.00.  This was a lot of 22 handmade Christmas cards that sold for exactly that.  Not bad for ink, card stock paper and time!  Again, this is not my talent, but I have a lot of friends that sell cards on Ebay as a part of their monthly income and they do great!


I am not a scrapbooker. I have bought the supplies in the past, but I lack the imagination and time to sit down and create the cute pages. I'm also a perfectionist which makes it literally impossible to be happy with what I've done. I'm sure there are plenty of people exactly like me that are overwhelmed with the thought of creating these pages. Which is why people make them for us! The lady that made the auction below created 20 scrapbook pages, all based around a "school" theme and sold them for $140.00.  Some pages were really cute and some were more plain.  This is a great place to make money if you can get the supplies for a great price! 

Don't Throw Away Your BOOKS!

If your kids are like mine, they go through books like crazy. My son LOVES the goosebumps series and my daughter loves the Maximum Ride series. Like every mom, I use to give these books away or donate them to a local second hand store. Not anymore, this little lot of Goosebumps books sold for $25.00. The Maximum Ride books sold for $35.00. People that buy books new spend a lot of money on them. Books are NOT cheap.

Bottom line... before you throw it out, look it up!


So, how many of these toys do you see at yard sales??? If your answer was A MILLION, you are correct! Believe it or not, this lot of used baby toys just sold for $200.00. Again, these things are a dime a dozen at yard sales and at second hand stores. Pick them up, store them in a box until you have enough to creat a "lot of toys" and slap that auction on! Seriously... I am kicking my own butt right now for not looking into this before I just cleaned house for Christmas.

It's there IF you dare?

A lot of people are posting NEW True Religion jeans on Ebay. I always wondered where they get their supply? I came across a website

I believe this is a Chinese website. They have EVERY name brand known to man including Coach, Versace, Fendi, True Religion, Nike, Oakley... and the list goes on. The prices are UNREAL. I'm talking a pair of Oakely sunglasses for $9. A pair of Nike Max95 shoes for $20. A pair of True Religion Jeans for $18.50. The question is - are they authentic? My guess is NO. But, it is a nice thought. They look real enough with matching tags, boxes and all. Everything is created in China anyway...right? So, if you dare... it's there. There is a lot of money to be made this way. I'm just unsure if I want my name attached to it if it's a fake.

Below is a pair of True Religion jeans that just sold for $150 on Ebay. You tell me the difference?

The 70's and 80's are COMING BACK!

Do you remember the brands "Jordache" and "Lee". If you see these vintage old jeans and jackets lying around at yard sales or at second hand thrift stores... PICK THEM UP. These old jeans sell on Ebay for around $60. The Jackets sell for about $55. People do not know that these are collectible to others - they most likely think they are getting rid of the old to make room for the new! In my experience, people are willing to let go of this "junk" for a low price. PICK THEM UP!


A lot of people are turning away from scrapbooking by hand and turning to digital scrapbooking. I am finding A LOT of "Stamp it up" stamps at yard sales for practically nothing. Below is an example of an auction that ended on Ebay for $25.00. I have continually bought these stamps for a dime a dozen. Put together a "stamp lot" and you just made $25.00

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sale Your Kids Clothes!

Well... not right off their backs, but as they outgrow them. I have 5 kids. As my babies outgrew their clothes, I put them in lots on Ebay. I sold all my baby girls onsies and footed sleepers for $153. There were probably 20 sleepers and 20 onsies. Still, it was way better then getting nothing for them. They weren't any big name brands either. They were actually stuff I had picked up from yardsales for probably 50 cents each.

Plus Sizes sell BETTER!

Well, it only makes sense right? I mean, obesity is the thing that's taking over the world, therefore, plus size jeans do REALLY well! These particular jeans do not need to be "Lucky" or "Silver" brand. The picture below is a mixed lot of jeans size 18. They aren't any really big names in this lot, but they are the right size! If you can find the big names in big sizes, then pick them up! This lot of jeans sold for $80.00. When you see larger jeans at yard sale and thrift stores, consider that there are a lot of bigger women looking for those jeans. A good pair of jeans is hard to find for us bigger girls (yes, I am one) and we will pay a pretty penny for the perfect jeans at an attempt to make our derriere look good! You can pick these jeans up at any second hand store for $4 or $5 dollars. That is a $16 - $20 investment to make $80.00. 4x'ing your money is not bad at all!

Vintage, Destroyed, Distressed and HIGE!

Every pair of jeans tell a story!

So, remember back in the day when Levi 501's were the HUGE thing. People STILL want those Vintage Levi's and believe it or not, the more beat up the better! "Hige" are the lines that are formed at the upper leg area from sitting down. They look a little like tiger stripes. "Destroyed and Distressed" are the way they are described in these auctions. I have seen these jeans with oil stains, wallet wear.. you name it - they still sale. These jeans below are a pair of beat up 501's that just sold for $40. There are a lot of men out there that want worn in jeans. Like a good horse - the more worn in the better. These jeans are a dime a dozen at the Desert Industries and other second hand stores. These beat up jeans are also found often at yard sales for practically NOTHING. Pick up these jeans when you see them. Just make sure you get them for a good price.

Turning Yard Sales into $$$$

Yard sales are my #1 source of $$$. What do I look for??? I look for these...

New, these jeans are a pretty penny. These particular jeans are "Silver Suki" jeans. There are always people that needed the latest and the greatest. Every summer I get my hands on quite a few pairs of name brand jeans. I get them for about $4 or $5 at yard sales and then I resell them on Ebay. This picture below is a pair of USED jeans that just went off for $71.00. You can't beat that for a profit! Used jeans are a great place to make money on Ebay. The trick is getting them for a LOW price - and you can't beat yard sales for low.

Turning Hot Christmas Toys Into Dresses!!!


Every year you hear about the "toy scalpers" (that would be me!) that go out and by the hot christmas toy and then resell them for a lot more money on Ebay. Last year it was Zhu Zhu pets. This year the talk is that the Lalaloopsy dolls are going to sell big. After a lot of research on Ebay. I am mixed about this.

There are a few Lalaloopsy dolls that sell pretty good. But, then I came across this...

I am blown away by this. For all you ladies that sew... this is a HUGE money maker on Ebay. That's right... this lady made $303.00 off a home sewn outfit. And this wasn't the only one. I saw 4 or 5 home sewn outfits go off from $178-$303. I also saw hand painted purses with a Lalaloopsy face on it for over $45. This could be made into nightgowns, PJ's, simple sweatshirts. You name it, slap a Lalaloopsy face on it and BAM, you have a big seller.